Meet Me By The Sea 2013
La Pâtisserie Gloppe au Champs-Élysées 1889
Café des Incoherents, Montmartre (16 bis, rue Fontaine, P... 1890
A Roadside Meeting: Winter 1815
Paternoster Pendant with the Virgin and Child (obverse) a... 1440
Saint Joachim's Offering; Meeting at the Golden Gate 1387
The Angel announcing the Conception of the Virgin to Joac... 1517
The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek 1626
the meeting place
An uncanny meeting on the lake 2009
David Meeting Abigail 1625
il te' delle cinque 1993
The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa 1630
No meeting day 2014
Figaro's Shop 1875
MEETING on the trail of sunny summer NEAR CHILDHOOD 2012
The Shepherdess in the Alps 1763
Incontro / Meeting 2015
rèunion / reunion 2011
conversations about the end of life on our planet 2012