Crowd Control - SOLD 2016
The End 2013
Judith with the Head of Holofernes 1530
The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis 1661
Saint George and the Dragon 2011
Feliz día del libro / Happy Book Day 2013
L'erede d'Ellsinore 2002
The Hijacker 2014
Crow 2011
Styborg AKA Reg. 2013
San Giorgio (Saint George) 2002
Saint Demetrius
Imperialist 2014
#occupygezi Poster! 2013
Hellboy 2012
ΠΡΟΔΟΣΙΑ / Betrayal 2012
Rönfeldt 2009
Don Quixote 2013
British scouts 2014
Free Your Desires 2003