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by Giambattista Pittoni
The Apotheosis of Saint Jerome with Saint Peter of Alcánt... 1725
Trajan trying to compel Saint Eustace to worship the stat... 1722
Polyxena in front of the Achilles' Tomb 1734
Allegory of Summer and Winter
The Coronation of Empreror Alexander III and Empress Mari... 1888
Adoration of the Magi 1740
Feast of the Gods (The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis) 1600
The Virgin and Child adored by Saint Carlo Borromeo
Alexander the Great and Campaspe in the Studio of Apelles 1740
View of the Fieldmarshals' Hall in the Winter Palace 1836
Landscape with the Ruins of the Round Temple, with a Stat... 1789
Adoration of the Shepherds
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine 1682
Bacchus and Ariadne 1720