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by Dosso Dossi
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Jerome...
The Trojans Building the Temple to Venus at Eryx and Maki... 1520
Nativity with God the Father
Portrait of Ercole I d'Este (1431-1505) 1600
The Holy Family, with the Young Saint John the Baptist, a...
Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto 1558
Blue Eyes (Portrait of Madame Jeanne Hébuterne) 1917
Portrait of a Polish Woman 1919
The Three Ages of Man 1540
Portrait of a Gentleman
Portrait of the Surgeon Gian Giacomo Bonamigo with His So... 1544
Portrait of Girolamo Contarini
Portrait of a Woman 1600
Portrait of Frances Sherborne Ridley Watts 1877