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by Joseph-Marie Vien
Head of a Bearded Man, possibly Saint Peter 1772
La Marchande à la toilette, dite La marchande d'amours 1765
Saint Grégoire Le Grand, pape 1766
Saint Jérôme 1751
The Victory of Joshua over the Amorites 1625
Le Baptême du Christ 1635
Moïse sur le mont Sinaï 1640
Bonaparte Before the Sphinx (Bonaparte devant le Sphinx) 1868
St. Thomas of Villanueva Dividing His Clothes Among Begga... 1667
Captain Arthur Blake 1769
Christ Riding into Jerusalem 1650
The Triumph of Mordecai 1736
La Lamentation sur le Christ mort 1610
Dune landscape with travellers and wood gatherers 1653