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by Peter Christian Skovgaard
View of Frederiksværk from Tisvilde Wood, North Zealand 1839
View of Kullen across the Lake from a Garden Terrace with...
Birketræer på Læsø efter regn 1849
Meadow with a Solitary Willow 1851
A Beech Wood in May near Iselingen Manor, Zealand 1857
A Milking Place near Vognserup Manor, Zealand 1847
A Danish Coast. View from Kitnæs by the Roskilde Fjord 1843
The Pond at Vognserup Manor, Zealand
The Painter in the Village 1897
A Croft at Lodskov near Vognserup Manor, Zealand 1847
The Road Leading past "Store Godthaab", a Country House n... 1884
The Painter J.Th. Lundbye 1841
The Outskirts of the Village of Vejby. By the Roadside th... 1843