Artist (Poland)
Woman with Red Hair 1917
Guernica 1937
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon) 1907
Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier) 1910
Nude on a Blue Cushion 1917
Portrait of Two Women 1914
Man with a Lollipop 1938
Madame Kisling 1917
Adrienne (Woman with Bangs) 1917
Seated Nude (Femme nue assise) 1909
Girl in a Green Blouse 1917
Backyard of Antwerp in the Snow 1885
Young Peasant Woman with Straw Hat Sitting in the Wheat 1890
Dying Dream 2011
Bouquet de marguerites / Bouquet of daisies 2003
Reconstrucción de pequeño Guernica 2013
Evening on the beach 1994
The Blue-eyed Boy 1916
Verdronken aarde IXX 2006
Sigma Tau antwortet nicht 1998