Arrnica Dayannandan

Artist (United States)



I have been working in the field of business and technology for the last 12 years. My core skills are in the areas of business and technology analysis, solution design, business development, pre-sales, sales and marketing. I chanced upon the field of art due to my mother-in-law who has made a name for herself in the world of art over the last 65 years. She brought me ma...



Arrnica Dayannandan added Waves of Glory by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added Fall Fantasy by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added Spring Summer Day Flowers by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added My Secret Happy Place by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added My Winter Refuge by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added Bewitched Woods by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added Wedded Bliss by Arrnica Dayannandan to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added Βάρκα στον Γέρακα by ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΑΔΗΣ to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan added A Satyr by Jacob Jordaens I to their profile

Arrnica Dayannandan rated A Satyr by Jacob Jordaens I

Arrnica Dayannandan added Children's Concert by Georgios Jakobides to their profile