Artist (Portugal)
Antero Guerra followed Afrodite Lakk
Antero Guerra added SABINA WITH RED SARI by Roberta Coni to their profile
Antero Guerra rated SABINA WITH RED SARI by Roberta Coni
Antero Guerra added EMMA 2 by Roberta Coni to their profile
Antero Guerra rated EMMA 2 by Roberta Coni
Antero Guerra added Canto V inferno by Roberta Coni to their profile
Antero Guerra rated Canto V inferno by Roberta Coni
Antero Guerra followed Roberta Coni
Antero Guerra added Le disperate strida serie Inferno-Dante. Canto I. by Roberta Coni to their profile
Antero Guerra rated Le disperate strida serie Inferno-Dante. Canto I. by Roberta Coni
Antero Guerra rated Creek by Niklas Szuhodovszky
Antero Guerra added Creek by Niklas Szuhodovszky to their profile
Antero Guerra followed Dimitra Valeonti
Antero Guerra added O Rebanho by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra added Paqui in Spring by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra added Pastor by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra added Capitão by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra added Selfportrait by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra added Youth by Antero Guerra to their profile
Antero Guerra uploaded the artwork O Rebanho by Antero Guerra