Cornelis Evertsen, Lieutenant-Admiral of Zeeland 1680
View of Veere, Zeeland
Portrait of Frank van Borselen, Lord of Sint Maartensdijk... 1480
Portrait of an Admiral, possibly Adriaen Banckert, Vice-A... 1670
Portrait of Jacoba of Bavaria, Countess of Holland and Ze... 1480
Jacoba of Bavaria, Countess of Holland and Zeeland
De bouwvallen van de toren van Bath in Zeeland 1631
Gezicht op Zierikzee in Zeeland 1631
Gezicht op Ouwerkerk in Zeeland 1631
Portrait of François Leydecker, Delegate to the Court of... 1690
Portrait of Johan Willem Parker, Lord of Saamslag, Geersd... 1746
Portrait of Justus de Huybert, Clerk of the States of Zee... 1665
Portrait of Joos van Trappen, called Banckert, Vice-Admir... 1640
Zeeland farmer 1909
Stadhuis en kerk te Goes (Zeeland) 1831
Seascape from the Zeeland Waters, near the Island of Scho... 1825
François Leidecker (1650-1718). Deputy of the Exchequer o... 1674
Adriaen Banckert (c 1620-1684), Vice Admiral of Zeeland 1648
Adriaen Banckert (c 1620-1684), Vice Admiral of Zeeland 1673
Jacoba of Bavaria (1401-1436), countess of Holland and Ze... 1879