Study for the Portrait of Louis Pasteur 1885
Sketch for The Revolt of Cairo 1810
Pasteur's portrait by Edelfelt 1885
Power 2008
Semiramis Receiving Word of the Revolt of Babylon
Scene from the Ten Days' Campaign against the Belgian Rev...
The revolt of peasants from Haghpat in 1903 1956
Scene from the Ten Days' Campaign against the Belgian Rev... 1831
Queen Semiramis of Assyria (9th century BC) at her Toilet... 1649
Semiramis Receiving Word of the Revolt of Babylon 1624
Revolt of the Slaves 1901
Piazza del Mercato during the Revolt of Masaniello 1650
Encouracado Deodoro 1901
The Dairy Cow: The Dutch Provinces, Revolting against the... 1633
After first Communion 1892
Encouraçado Aquidabã forçando a barra do Rio de Janeiro 1894
Marechal Floriano Peixoto 1894
Messenger. Clan revolted against to clan. 1897
Les Révoltés de Fouesnant ramenés à Quimper par la Garde... 1886
Floriano Peixoto 1894