Voyage of the Polaris 1875
Stella Polaris 1990
Action between USS 'Wasp' and HMS 'Reindeer', 28 June 181... 1850
HMS Shannon taking USS Chesapeake, 1 June 1813
Capture of the USS President, 15 January 1814
HMS Shannon taking USS Chesapeake, 1 June 1813 1813
The Constitution and the Guerriere 1845
Match between the English frigate 1836
Manchuria Aground off Makapuu 1906
Fleet Manoeuvres Performed in the Usselmeer for Peter I D...
Portrait of Willem Usselinx, Merchant and Founder of the... 1637
Porträt eines Jünglings unter Rosen, Oval. Robert Devereu... 1558
Le Mont Ussy 1850
James Ussher 1654
Selbstporträt 1870
Fulton, paquebot à vapeur américain 1882
Alfonso XII 1875
Prayer in the desert 1876
Captain Sir Thomas Ussher (1779-1848) 1831
The U. S. Ship Franklin, with a View of the Bay of New Yo... 1820