Galician units in the Battle of Grunwald between the Poli...
King Jagiełło and the Teutonic Knights
Battle of Lithuanians with the Teutonic knights
Portrait of a Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Marti... 1660
The Vision of the Holy Grail 1890
London: Westminster Abbey, with a Procession of Knights o... 1749
Knights and Soldiers playing Dice for Christ's Robe
Confrontation of knights in the countryside 1830
Profane paintings from Sigena: Knights in battle and sold...
Roman Ruins with Mounted Knights 1750
Classical Architecture, an Obelisk, Knights, Ladies and D... 1750
Count Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen (1604–1679) as the... 1666
Charles I and the Knights of the Garter in Procession
CHEVALIERS D'ARTHUR - Arthur's knights - by Pascal 2015
Profane paintings from Sigena: Knights leaving a castle f...
Coffered ceiling panel with knights, galleys and a boat w...
Valencian Retablo (Four panels, Church of the Knights of... 1426
King David Receiving the Cistern Water of Bethlehem 1520
D. Filipa de Vilhena Arming the Sons Knights 1801