Saint Ignatius of Antioch Disemboweled by Trajan's Tortur... 1527
Saint Catherine of Siena Dictating Her Dialogues 1447
Incredulità di San Tommaso / The Doubting of St. Thomas 2005
Crucifixion of Christ
Saint Thomas Aquinas Submitting His Office of Corpus Domi... 1403
The Relic of the Holy Cross is offered to the Scuola Gran... 1494
Meeting of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba 1445
The Bacino, Venice, with the Dogana and a Distant View of... 1709
A Scene from the Legend of Saint Nicholas of Bari 1460
View of the Valle di Diano 1797
Coronation of Mary and Saints 1370
Landscape with the Castle of Massa di Carrara 1827
Scena di riposo pomeridiano / Scene of afternoon rest
A Moment of Glory
The Adoration of the Magi 1475
The rights of nature
The Adoration of the Magi 1320
Adoration of the Magi 1303
Canestra di limoni / Basket of lemons 2006
Signs of Indecency