Saga, the Heroic Muse of the North
mushroom fox
Illustration for Njal’s Saga 1897
Frithiof spelar schack (ur Frithiofs saga) 1884
Saga 1926
Balders bål (ur Frithiofs saga) 1884
Frithiof går i landsflykt (ur Frithiofs saga) 1884
Kung Rings död (ur Frithiofs saga) 1884
Scene from the Era of Norwegian Sagas 1850
Stardust Gazing Back 2015
Moonlight Revelry at Dozo Sagami
The Norns 1876
Freya and the Necklace 1890
Shichirigahama in Sagami Province (Sōshū Shichirigahama) 1832
Siegfried Slaying The Dragon Fafnir 1880
Thor’s Fight with the Giants (Swedish: Tors strid med jät... 1872
Stardust II 2016
Ragas and Sagas 1994
Vidar and Odin 1882
Waiting to be Known 2015