3D – Gurak Warrior Creature Character Animation Modeling...
Medical Illustration Design
Teu sangue em meus sapatos engraxados 2009
Stage Design for Cleopatra 1918
FT2018NOV (2) 2017
The birth of a new melody 2009
Nike Inspiration 'Arrested by NIKE' 2010
design for Croatian Rock/Metal Scene 2015
Beam Pharaoh 2011
Design for the Washington Centennial Celebration, Souveni... 1889
Frontispiece Design for De wonderlyke reizen van Fernando... 1652
Seated Angel (cover design for "L'Humoriste") 1909
Four sketches of birds and one design for a grotesque mas... 1799
Design of Intertwining Animals and Plants 1799
Design for a Wall Monument 1490
George Washington: Design for an Engraving 1860
Design for a Hookah Base 1883
Design for a Bangle 1816
Roundel with Netting Quail 1550
Classical design 1499