Portraits of John The Fearless and Margaret of Bavaria
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy 1450
The Hon. Theresa Robinson, Mrs Parker (1744-1775), and he... 1778
The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist 2015
The Two Saints John 1620
Triptych of the Virgin with the Child and Angels, St. Joh... 1500
Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Evang... 1600
The Hon. Theresa Robinson, Mrs John Parker (1745-1775) 1771
The Capture of the Hessians at Trenton, December 26, 1776 1786
Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness 1776
John III of Portugal and John the Baptist 1564
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist, John the... 1593
Saint John the Evangelist 1350
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John the B... 1615
Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist 1619
Triptych: Bust of Christ, Saint John the Baptist and Sain... 1495
Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine, Francis, John the... 1600
Madonna and Child with Saints Anthony Abbot, Lawrence, Jo... 1404
Saint John the Evangelist's Vision of Jerusalem 1638
John the Baptist 1516