Η Ιερουσαλημ - Jerusalem 1932
jerusalem naive paintings urban landscape painting raphae...
Sunflowers (possibly Jerusalem Artichoke) 1915
Jerusalem Artichoke Flowers 1880
Frame depicting the Annunciation, Baptism of Christ, Entr... 1450
Chariclea (Female Figure perhaps Erminia from Jerusalem D... 1660
Emperor Heraclius Denied Entry into Jerusalem 1480
Jerusalem pilgrims 1872
The Entry into Jerusalem 1487
Entry into Jerusalem 1386
Mademoiselle butterfly 2013
Pomegranates 2010
Sounds of Music I 2012
man of steel 2013
Puzzle 2014
Unexpected catch 2013
realistic painting homoerotic artist raphael perez homose... 2016
A Cappella 2015
Faceless 2015
Expectation 2016