Hussard du 7e Hussards de la Monarchie de Juillet 1840-18... 1900
Charge de hussards du 1e Empire 1891
Hussard fumant la pipe 1910
Petit poste de Grand'Garde, 8e Hussards en 1803 1869
Hussard désarçonné 1900
Officier de Hussards 1800
Portrait of Alfonso XIII in the Uniform of a Hussar 1907
Equestrian Portrait of a Hussar Officer 1773
The Hussar 1893
Portrait of King Alfonso XIII in a Hussar's Uniform 1907
Les Ordonnances 1869
Portrait of a man in the uniform of the Imperial Guard hu...
"Portrait of Count Vladimir Bobrinsky, Lieutenant of the... 1879
"Portrait of Pavel Masyukov, the Cavalry Captain of the L... 1817
Sketch of a horseman, hussar 1869
Hussar on Horseback 1885
George Hunt, MP (1720? - 1798) in Hussar Uniform 1750
The Hussar and His Family 1800
Portrait of a Man Dressed as a Hussar 1785
An Unknown Officer in Hussar's Uniform 1749