Hunter in a Winter Landscape with Dogs
Winter Landscape with a View of the River Amstel and Amst...
A winter landscape with skaters, elegant figures and kolf...
Winter Sun in a Landscape with a Brook. Motif from Strážk... 1900
Swan and other Dead Birds with Sporting Dogs in a Landsca... 1645
Hunter with Dogs in a Landscape 1625
Winter landscape with windmil and a house in scaffolding
Winter Landscape with Farmhouse in Häme 1866
Winter landscape with elegant skaters on a frozen lake, i... 1615
Three Sporting Dogs in a Landscape, with a Distant View o... 1830
A Winter Landscape with a Village, Skaters on a Frozen Ri...
A Village Scene in Winter with a Frozen River 1640
Wooded Evening Landscape with a Hunter and His Dogs 1660
Boy with Dogs in a Landscape
Still life of game, with two dogs, in a landscape 1700
A Hunter in a Red Jacket with Two Dogs 1650
Winter landscape with skaters, Haarlem in the distance
Landscape with Dogs and Chickens in a Farmyard 1860
Large Winter Landscape with Castle in the Mountains 1901
Winter landscape in the countryside with a building