Lady with a Unicorn, by Luca Longhi, 1535-1540, possibly...
Self-portrait in the Uffizi
Ranuccio Farnese 1542
Portrait of Pope Paul III 1545
Staircase in the Villa Farnese at Caprarola
An Architectural Capriccio of the Roman Forum with Philos... 1745
Portrait of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese 1509
Stairway of Farnese Palace Park
Antinoo Farnese 2016
Portrait of Maria Salviati de' Medici with Giulia de' Med... 1539
Portrait of Ranuccio Farnese 1542
Portrait of Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592) 1585
Portrait of Giulia Lama
Portrait of Prince Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), later...
Portrait of Giulia Varano 1545
A Scene in the Grounds of the Villa Farnese, Rome 1765
Capriccio of classical Ruins with the Temple of Antonius...
Stable in Ruins of the Villa Giulia 1760
The Artist Drawing in the Farnese Gardens 1750