Porträt eines Jünglings unter Rosen, Oval. Robert Devereu... 1558
Freedom of press?
The Solemn Inauguration of University of Ghent by the Pri... 1817
Open the Window and Ask the Moon to Come and Press its Fa... 1995
The Wine Press
Pressure 2013
The Print Shop 1910
Family Portrait of Hermanus Boerhaave, Professor of Medic... 1720
The Changing University - Melbourne 1972 1973
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Protector of the University of Cusc... 1690
University of Michigan 1855
french press
Charles IV and his Family honoured by the University of V... 1802
Self-Portrait (Actress) / Marilyn at Tokyo University, Ko... 1995
Portrait of the Physician Herman Boerhaave, Professor at... 1735
Our Guns at Bonn University 1918
freedom of press? 2011
Fresco, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2146
Man at the Press
Portrait of Anthony de Wale (1573-1639). Professor of The... 1636