Autoritratto 1630
Untitled 1650
Herodias with the Head of Saint John the Baptist 1627
Saint Catherine
Woman with a Turban 1635
Portrait of a Poet 1640
Herodias 1635
Exhortation de sainte Marthe à sainte Madeleine 1650
The Death of Lucretia
Self-portrait with Tiger and Lion 1830
Autoritratto in un gruppo di amici
Portrait of Francesco I de Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany...
Self-portrait at 57 1848
Portrait of Francesco Donato
Portrait of Duke Francesco I d'Este 1638
Portrait of Pietro Lando and Francesco Donato
Eleonora di Toledo with her son Francesco 1549
Portrait of Francesco I de' Medici
Francesco de' Medici 1560
Self-portrait at age 88