The favorite types of flowers of the painter Raphael Pere... 1997
Still Life, an Homage to Van Spaendonck 1790
Frida Kahlo de Rivera 2011
Eva Gonzalès 1870
The biography of relationships in the paintings of the fl... 1998
Frida from Mars 2013
In the workshop 2012
Vipralabdha Nayika Casts off Her Jewelry into a Bed of Fl... 1840
Flowers and Birds 3/3 1911
Album Containing Twelve Paintings of Flowers 1849
Wrath of flowers surrounding the mystic marriage of St. C... 1650
Flowers of All Seasons 1650
Thirty paintings of birds, flowers and landscape 1785
Bouquet of Flowers
The meaning of the flower paintings of the Israeli gay pa... 1998
Flowers from Normandy 1887
Jerusalem Artichoke Flowers 1880
Still Life with Flowers and Fruit 1869
Chrysanthemums 1882
The Vase of Life