A Saint Bernard Dog Comes to the Aid of a lost Woman with... 1827
A few of my favorite things 2012
News of the bottom world 2012
The End of All Things - Finis 1887
things made of letters 2014
Some of the things that happen on a Saturday 2013
The secret of getting things
Looking up at the wonder of things 2013
The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret 2011
What a drama because of a gram 2011
The Infinite Possibility of All Things (series) 2011
Reminds me of things to come 2018
Saatchi Art Artist: Evangelos Papapostolou; Acrylic 2015... 2015
Head of a Woman, or Study for a figure in Rembrandt's los...
Group Portrait of Four Members of the Paris Council (frag... 1616
Group Portrait of Three Members of the Paris Council (fra... 1616
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Lost portrait of Jan Wildens 1620