Allegory of Fortune 1659
Japanese Emploring a Deity
Creation (series) 2015
The Birth of Minerva 1688
Rain deity 2012
Vinayaka 2014
Samastlokshankaram 2014
Shri (Palden Lhamo)
Mandala of the Buddhist Deity Chakrasamvara 1490
Initiation Cards (Tsakalis) 1416
Mountain Deity 1801
Celestial Buddhas and Deities of the Northern, Western, a...
Mountain Deity 1800
Dispute between Minerva and Neptune over the Naming of th... 1689
Apollo pursuing Daphne 1677
Seitaka-doji, attendant to the Buddhist Deity, Fudo Myo-o
Water, or the Fight of Achilles against Scamander and Sim... 1819
Kongara-doji, attendant to the Buddhist Deity, Fudo Myo-o
Cupid Ordering Mercury to Announce his Power to the Unive... 1646
Mahottara Heruka