The Family of Darius III in front of Alexander the Great
Scythian Messengers Meet the Persian King Darius I 1785
La défaite de Darius par Alexandre 1802
Darius, Fleeing after the battle of Arbela, Stops, Exhaus... 1853
Darius Marching to the Battle of Issus 1450
The Death of Darius 1838
Dutch Interior (III) 1928
Composition No. III, with Red, Blue, Yellow, and Black 1929
Hutladen III 1914
Homem Velho III / Old Man III 2010
Cactus Garden III 2003
Asleep III 2015
Sunshine in the Drawingroom III
Calla Lilies III
Woldgate Woods III 2006
Hermann von Wedigh III (died 1560) 1532
Portrait of Pope Paul III 1545
Visitation III 2007
Egypt III 2011
Mesh III 2011