CRYPTE PENSIVE - Pensive crypt - by Pascal 1976
The Crypt in the Monastry of San Benedetto in Subiaco, It... 1843
Figures in a Crypt 1750
Monks in a Ruined Crypt
Crypt of the Saint Peter's Church, Fritzlar 1868
Rahere doing penance in the Crypt of St Bartholomew, Lond...
The First Communion in the Interior of the Crypt of the C...
Ingang van grot Crypta Neapolitana (of Grotta di Posillip... 1778
Camdeboosmol (Cryptomys hottentotus) 1778
Uitgang van grot Crypta Neapolitana (of Grotta di Posilli... 1778
Parsley fern (crytogramma crispa) - William Catto - ABDAG... 1903
La crypte 1909