London: The Thames and the City of London from Richmond H... 1747
The City of London
The paddle steamer 'City of London'
The Great Fire ot the City of London in 1666 1674
‘Glories of modern architecture: London Wall in the 1970s... 2013
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons 1835
The Palace of Westminster 2013
The Thames from the Terrace of Somerset House, Looking to... 1750
A Panoramic View of London, from the Tower of St. Margare... 1815
Dark London 2009
Street Scene Near London Business School 1997
London Roofs I
The Thames and the City
London: The Thames from Somerset House Terrace towards th... 1750
Memory of Turin 2016
The Klausen-Gate of Salzburg from the city side 1860
View of Toledo 1600
The City of Paris 1912
New York Skate of Mind 2013