Christ Washing St Peter's Feet 1501
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1548
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1600
Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples 1730
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1632
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1540
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1500
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet 1575
Study, Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples 1898
Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet 1854
Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet
Jesus Washing Peter's Feet 1657
Magdalene Washing the Feet of Christ 1515
Mary Magdalen washing Christ's Feet in the House of Simon... 1600
Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples 1584
Passion Cycle - Christ washing the feet of the apostles 1537