The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day 1730
The Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day 1745
Return of the Bucintoro on Ascension Day 1745
The Doge in the Bucentaur at San Nicolò di Lido on Ascens... 1775
The Doge on the Bucintoro near the Riva di Sant'Elena 1766
The Bucintoro Returning to the Molo on Ascension Day 1730
The Bucentaur Returning to the Molo on Ascension Day 1740
Embarkation of the Doge of Venice, for the Ceremony of th... 1730
The Bucintoro returning to the Molo on Ascension Day afte... 1733
Bucintoro at the Molo on Ascension Day 1760
The state vessel Bucentaur moored alongside the Doge's Pa...
Venice: the Bacino di San Marco on Ascension Day 1770
The Bucentaur near San Nicolò di Lido 1750
Venice, the Bucentaure
Grand canal avec Bucentaure
Le Bucentaure
Combat glorieux du vaisseau le Bucentaure contre trois va... 1836