Portrait of Mary Curzon, Baroness Curzon of Kedleston
Portrait of Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild 1866
Baroness Matilda Guiguer de Prangins in her Park at the L... 1779
Portrait of Maria Vasilyevna, Baroness Stackelberg 1907
Portrait of Mrs. W.J.S. van Alphen, Baroness van Reede va... 1854
Portrait of Lady Louisa Leveson-Gower (1749/50-1827), lat... 1767
Portrait of the Baroness of Araraquara
Portrait of Lydia Schabelsky, Baroness Staël-Holstein 1857
Portrait of Baroness Pauline Jeanin 1810
Henriette Baroness Pereira-Arnstein with her daughter Flo... 1833
Charlotte Rothschild (1807–1859), Baroness Anselm de Roth... 1827
Portrait of Baroness János Podmaniczky née Judit Osztrolu... 1724
Frances Worsley, Baroness Carteret (1694-1743) 1715
Princess Frederica of Hanover, Baroness von Pawel-Ramming... 1884
Rebecca French, Baroness Folliott of Ballyshannon (d. 169... 1649
Baroness Ulrica Fredrika Cedercreutz 1770
"Portrait of Baroness D. E. Grevenits" 1912
Portrait of Baroness Reinthal with her daughter.
Baroness Dupont 1813
Angela Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Burdett-Coutts 1840