Compleanno / Birthday 2010
Don' t play with your food 2013
Pinocchio 2014
Circus Act 1995
"Doll Man" by Lydia Martin© oil on Belgian linen (24"x30"...
Untitled 2013
Boy with a Toy Soldier (Portrait of Jean de La Pommeraye) 1875
Juguetitos / Little Toys 2014
Design for a toy soldier. Officer The King's Troop Royal... 2015
Jean Monet (1867–1913) on His Hobby Horse 1872
Sofie 2013
Problem 1 2011
Kite 2012
Summer 2012
When she was six 2012
Portraits (series) 2012
Boy with an Airplane 2006
Moments of connection with the universe 2010