The perfume makers
Prayers at Sunrise
After the Prayer
The Flower Maidens
Maximilian II. (1527-1576) und seine Gemahlin Maria von S... 1563
Portrait of Emperor Rudolf II 1590
Portrait of the German Actor Rudolf Rittner 1895
Kaiser Rudolf II. (1552-1612) 1594
Rudolf Amsinck 1604
Portrait of Rudolf von Erlach 1630
Okno (Window) 2012
Dve kytice (Two Bouquets) 2011
Nostalgický večer (The Nostalgic Evening) 2010
Kytica 2014
Mama´s Cakes 2016
Maliarska modlitba / Painter's prayer 2014
Morský príboj (Forte dei Marmi) (Surge) 2011
Znamenie 2009
Little Lake In The Forest 2010
Autoportrét 2002