Pioneer's Home, Eagle Cliff, White Mountains 1859
Poème Objet - Poem Object 1935
Magazine illustration
Spatial Suprematism - Пространственный супрематизм 1916
Prometeus - The Dreamcatcher 2010
The Pioneer 1904
Daniel Boone, Pioneer Scout 1912
A Pioneer Woman 1840
The Pioneer 1900
Patrick Miller of Dalswinton, 1731 - 1815. Pioneer of ste...
Pioneer Group at the Red Rock Line--1845 (mural study, Kn... 1940
The Pioneer Mill 1880
Henry Robertson, Railway Pioneer 1860
Mungo Ponton, 1802 - 1880. Advocate and pioneer photograp... 1837
David Octavius Hill, 1802 - 1870. Artist and pioneer phot... 1850
Pioneers of the Woods, California 1863
Pioneers in Karelia 1900
Pioneers of the Woods 1850
Pioneers of the West 1935