Gardanne (Horizontal View) (Gardanne [vue horizontale]) 1885
Stormy Sunset
The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronati... 1807
Undergrowth with walking Couple 1890
Panoramic View of the Ile-de-France 1830
BOAT 2005
White Reverie
Paris 2011
Παιδικοί αρραβώνες 1877
Sentada con mi gato / Sitting with my cat 2009
Venus Disarming Cupid 1570
Centennial Farm in May 2015
Evening on Danube Budapest 2005
Happy Easter 2014
Minieggs And Maxiegg 2014
Untitled 2013
Aurora Boreale su Roma 2011
Die Mensch-Maschine (The Human Machine) 2013
Three Hills