The Fog Warning 1885
Jonah and the Bass
Fisherman's station, Crimea 2011
Fisherman with his catch. 1631
Three Fisher Girls, Tynemouth 1881
The Sea Maiden 1894
A Fishwife 1875
“Bullet fish” 2013
Untitled 2011
The Herring Net 1885
fishing 2013
"По реке плывёт челнок..." 2013
Fishing Boats with Hucksters Bargaining for Fish 1837
Adriana van Heusden and Daughter at the Fishmarket 1662
The Miraculous Draught of Fishes 1619
Salmon netting in Wales 1840
Still life with fresh-water fish, cat, Bartmannkrug, barr... 1656
Fish seller and shrimp seller with a housewife in an inte... 1662
Fishing Return 1650
Letter from Home 1896