Model for Altarpiece in St. Peter's 1625
Altarpiece of the seven joys of the Virgin 1480
The Altar of St. John
Burg Weiler Altar Triptych 1470
Altar of Cadolzburg 1420
Lösel Altarpiece 1460
Winged Altarpiece Shaped Like a Heart (Colditz Altar) 1584
Former High Altar of St. Martin in Messkirch 1535
Japanese Emploring a Deity
Interior of the Reformed Franciscan Church in Warsaw 1866
Saint Bonaventure Receiving Communion from the Hands of a... 1628
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia 1653
Panels from the High Altar of the Charterhouse of Saint-H... 1500
Altar frontal from Cardet 1250
Altar frontal from Santa Maria in Taüll 1200
The Foundation Mass of the Trinitarian Order 1666
Heller Altar piece 1507
Death of Saint Scholastica, Sister of Saint Benedict 1730
The Vocation of Saint Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga 1650
The Sacrifice of Manoah 1626