Senior Contributor (Greece)
Mona Lisa 1519
Keelmen Heaving in Coals by Moonlight 1835
The Old Violin 1886
Vitruvian Man 1490
Portrait of a man in red chalk (Leonardo) 1512
Monet’s Vader with a Parasol
The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries 1812
Interior, after Dinner 1869
Venezia calle con chiesa / Venice street with church 2001
View of the Arch of Constantine with the Colosseum 1742
Light catcher 2012
Door 93
Grounds Keeper Willie Van Gogh
Figura 2009
The Oath-taking in the Church of Aghia Lavra 1851
A Thrilling Story 2012
Backyard of Antwerp in the Snow 1885
Achilles and Amazon 2005
New York 2013