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by Laurent de La Hyre
Cornelia rejects the crown of the Ptolemies 1646
Allégorie de la régence d'Anne d'Autriche 1648
Le Pape Nicolas V, en 1449, se fait ouvrir le caveau de s... 1630
La Vierge veillant sur l'enfant endormi 1625
The Virgin and Child 1642
The Assumption 1655
Diana and Her Nymphs in a Landscape 1644
Laban Searching Jacob's Baggage for the Stolen Idols 1647
Panthea, Cyrus, and Araspas 1634
Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John
Saint Anne, the Virgin, Saint Elisabeth, Saint John and t... 1528
Diptych of Philip de Croÿ with The Virgin and Child 1460
Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist 1642
Glaucus and Scylla