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by Unknown Artist
Portrait of woman (859.3.16) 1700
Profilové kresby (Baden). Členovia rodiny Zichy počas pob... 1819
Ceiling 1503
Mary Darby, Mrs Thomas Robinson, ‘Perdita’ (1758-1800) 1787
An Unknown Lady with Roses, once called Jane Glynne, Lady... 1649
King Balthasar, one of the Three Magi, and a Servant, fra... 1480
Portrait of an Unknown Young Lady as a Bride 1859
Frame depicting the Annunciation, Baptism of Christ, Entr... 1450
Portrait of an Old Lady 1720
An Unknown Man (once called Pietro Aretino) 1512
An Unknown Lady, possibly Lady Dorothy Savile, Countess o... 1739
An Unknown Woman and Child, possibly Lady Rachel Russell,... 1701
An Unknown Lady called Mary Hawtrey, Lady Bankes (1598-16... 1645
An Unknown Lady, called Elizabeth Freke, Lady Brownlow (1... 1665