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by Unknown Artist
Profilové kresby (Baden). Členovia rodiny Zichy počas pob... 1819
Portrait of woman (859.3.16) 1700
The Virgin and Child with the Infant Baptist 1740
Mars et Rhéa Silvia 1650
Maria met kind gezeten op een troon omringd door musicere... 1503
Still Life with Flowers 1670
Herder en herderin met hun kudde rustend bij water 1700
Ceiling design: The Virgin Mary Handing a Rosary to a Nun 1750
A Man Dancing with a Dog 1640
Three wall hangings with a Dutch landscape 1776
Cupid Kissing Venus (Venus Kissed by Amor) 1700
Huizen in Dieppe 1806
Decorative Depiction with Plants and Animals 1760
St John the Baptist 1650