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by François-Édouard Picot
Esquisse pour l'ancien Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Le triom... 1842
Study and Genius reveal ancient Egypt to Greece 1826
Leda and the Swan 1832
Amor and Psyche 1817
Full portrait of HRH The Duchess of Nemours by Winterhalt... 1840
Study and Genius unveil ancient Egypt to Greece 1827
Establishment of the French Academy of Sciences and of Pa... 1650
Cybele protects from Vesuvius the towns of Stabiae, Hercu... 1832
Bonaparte arriving in France back from Egypt on 9 October... 1843
Time defending Truth against the attacks of Envy and Disc... 1641
Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Duchess of Orléans...
Saint Louis, King of France, and a Page 1597
The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons 1835