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by François-Édouard Picot
Amor and Psyche 1817
Leda and the Swan 1832
Truth, accompanied by Justice and Wisdom, protecting Fran... 1835
Esquisse pour l'ancien Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Le triom... 1842
Study and Genius unveil ancient Egypt to Greece 1827
The Nymphs of Parthenope Led toward the Banks of the Sein... 1827
La Félicité de la régence 1625
Cybele protects from Vesuvius the towns of Stabiae, Hercu... 1832
Apollon, Euterpe and Urania 1741
Oedipus and the Sphinx 1808
The Apotheosis of Henri IV and the Proclamation of the Re... 1623
Psyché enlevée par les zéphirs 1800
Poseuse de dos 1887
The Meeting of Marie de' Medici and Henry IV at Lyons 1623