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by Cornelis Troost
Bildnis eines Herren mit seinem Sohn 1722
Portrait of Gerrit Sichterman ( -1730) 1726
De 'Spilpenning', 3de bedrijf, 5e toneel uit het gelijkna... 1741
Portrait of the Physician Herman Boerhaave, Professor at... 1735
The directors of the Amsterdam Surgeon's guild 1680
Four directors of the arquebusier's guild, Amsterdam, 165... 1655
The directors of the surgeon's guild of Amsterdam, 1732 1732
The directors of the surgeon's guild of Amsterdam, 1737 1737
The directors of the crossbow militia 1653
Two Regents of the Surgeon's Guild 1699
The Magnanimity of Scipio 1658
Guardsmen of Squad E of the Caliver Guild 1563
The directors of the Amsterdam civic guard of St. George...
Inspectors of the Collegium Medicum in Amsterdam, 1724 1724