Portrait of Theodorus Velius, Writer of the Chronicle of... 1732
The directors of the surgeon's guild of Amsterdam, 1732 1732
Regents of the Old Men's and Woman's Almshouse, 1732 1732
Portret van Sara van Baerle, echtgenote van Philips van D... 1747
Regents of the Leper house in Amsterdam 1747
The directors of the surgeon's guild of Amsterdam, 1737 1737
Untitled 1747
Regents of the Oudezijds Almshouse, 1759 1759
Portrait of David Leeuw (1682-1755), Mennonite Draper 1729
Portrait of a Man, perhaps a Member of the Klinkhamer Fam... 1738
Family Portrait of Jan van de Poll, Banker and Burgomaste... 1755
Portrait of Jan Hendrik van Heemskerck, Count of the Holy... 1710
Portrait of a Man 1744
Portrait of Gustaaf Willem, Baron van Imhoff, Governor-Ge... 1742
Portrait of Joost van Geel, Painter and Poet in Rotterdam 1732
Portrait of Hendrik van der Zande, Jurist and Dramatic Po... 1732
Jason Pratensis (1486-1558), geneesheer te Zierikzee 1732
Untitled 1754
Simon van der Stel (1692-1780) en zijn echtgenote Cathari... 1765