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by Giacomo del Po
Gates of Hell 1705
Apoteosis de Judith (Tit. Ant.: Judith llevando -en triun...
The Fight between Aeneas and King Turnus, from Virgil’s A... 1700
Sleep of Adam and Eve 1705
Aeneas and Dido make their way towards the cave (sketch) 1712
Venus at the furnace of Vulcan 1712
Aeneas snaps the golden bough 1712
Aeneas tells Dido about the fall of Troy 1712
Romulus and Remus with the Tiber River God 1649
Venus giving arms to Aeneas 1712
The meeting of Aeneas and Ascanius with Andromache and El... 1714
Duel between Aeneas and Mezentius 1712
Venice, the Bridge of Sighs
The Garden of Earthly Delights 1505