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by anonymous painter
Vrouwenportret: 'Aetatis Suae 47Ao1637'. 1637
Portret van Jacob Rip, kapitein van de bark 'Macasser' va... 1864
Christ Before Pilate
Portrait of a man, possibly Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne (... 1650
Lady Agnes Douglas, Countess of Argyll, about 1574 - 1607... 1599
William Black, 1841 - 1898. Novelist (Study for A knight... 1877
Christ Driving the Money-changers from the Temple 1575
The Tapestry Worker 1866
The Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes 1674
Alexander Robertson of Struan, c 1670 - 1749. Jacobite, p... 1715
The Death of King Laius 1700
Sir Robert Gordon, 1580 - 1656. Courtier at the courts of... 1621
Sir Robert Spottiswood, 1596 - 1646. Lord President of th... 1636
James Spreull, d. 1769. Merchant in Glasgow and benefacto... 1760