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by Antoine Vollon
Still Life with a Monkey and a Guitar (Art and Gluttony) 1864
La route de Bourg-la-Reine à Fontenay-aux-Roses 1874
Calice, vidrecome, livres liturgiques et cahiers de musiq...
Still life 1868
Still Life with a Poor Man's Meal of Porridge, Cheese, He... 1600
Still life with herring, smoking equipment, stone jug and... 1644
Still life with pottery, herring and pancakes, a print of... 1607
Still life with salmon and fruit basket 1650
Still life with rummer, pewter jug, lemon, bread, smoking... 1655
Laid Table with Cheese, Fruit and a Passglass 1632
Pink and yellow roses 1882
Still life with wine glass, tazza, fish and overturned ju... 1650
Still life 1887