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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1710
Resurrection. 1550
Rama killsTaraka 1800
Bharata comes to meet Rama at Chitrakuta 1800
Roundel with Christ and the Adulterous Woman 1525
Roundel with Delilah Cutting the Hair of Samson 1520
Roundel with Saint Jodocus and St. Clare of Assisi 1525
Roundel with Lazarus at the House of Dives
Heraldic Roundel with Saints John the Evangelist and Chri... 1505
Roundel with the Crucifixion, the Virgin, and Saint John 1525
Roundel with Christ as Savior of the World 1525
Roundel with Christ Carrying the Cross with Saint Veronic... 1520
Roundel with Annunciation to the Virgin 1505
The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist 1605